Parti di stampa 3D per prototipi rapidi di fabbricazione in plastica personalizzata
- Stampaggio ad iniezione rapido
- Elaborazione della luce digitale
- Lavorazione CNC
- Sinterizzazione laser selettiva (SLS)
- Produzione di oggetti laminati
When you need rapid prototype parts processed with high precision, please ask us for help. Essai offers you high quality rapid prototypes in a variety of industries.
Rapid prototype 3D is a quick, easy, cost effective way to turn great ideas into successful products. Do you need concept modeling to put your newest ideas to the test? What about functional prototyping to gauge performance before committing to costly production tooling? Rapid prototyping solutions from Essai will give you the flexibility to create, test and refine in ways you never thought possible so you can go to market faster than ever before.
Advantages of Rapid prototype 3D
Rapid prototyping provides engineer, design and development teams with a distinct advantage such as:
- The ability to explore and realize concepts more quickly. This efficiency in time and cost allows teams to move beyond the mere visualization of a product, making it easier to grasp the properties and design of a product.
- Apply repeated designs and incorporate changes that allow for the evaluation and testing of the product. This iterative process provides a roadmap to developing and refining the final product.
- Being able to communicate concepts concisely and effectively. Rapid prototyping takes ideas, images, and concepts from flat and 2 dimensional visuals to hands-on products that clients, colleagues, and collaborators can then see in action.
- The ability to thoroughly test and refine a concept. Being able to minimize design flaws with a small volume rapid prototype run helps eliminate costly design flaws that might not be evident during an early assessment.
- Save time and money since setup and tooling aren’t necessary. Because the same equipment can be used to produce prototypes with different properties and materials, the costs and time outlay are kept to a minimum.
Rapid prototype 3D Applications
Rapid prototyping is applicable to many materials and technologies, making it a versatile technique that can be employed for numerous applications. A few ideas include the following:
- Concept models provide designers with the opportunity to validate both their ideas and the assumptions that lie behind them. A physical concept model is an ideal way to explore a concept, demonstrate its validity to stakeholders and/or create communication surrounding it.
- Functional prototypes enable designers and developers to grasp the details that provide an accurate representation of the finished product by allowing them to verify its validity before it moves onto the next stage. The fit, design, manufacturability, and function of the product can be tested prior to moving it into full production mode — an infinitely more costly process.
- Dimostrare che un prototipo funzionante sarà anche economicamente fattibile da produrre è un'altra applicazione della prototipazione rapida. Avere un fantastico prototipo che raggiunge un soddisfacente equilibrio tra funzionalità ed estetica pur essendo anche conveniente è possibile con la prototipazione rapida.
Lavorazione CNC o no | Lavorazione CNC |
Micro lavorazione o no | Micro lavorazione |
Capacità materiali | Alluminio, ottone, bronzo, rame, metalli temprati, metalli preziosi, acciaio inossidabile, leghe di acciaio |
Materiale | Metal |
Servizio | OEM personalizzato |
Applicazione | Industrial Equipment |
Attrezzature | Fresatrice CNC |
Trattamento della superficie | Powder Coating |
Certificato | ISO19001 |
Pacchetto | Sacchetti di plastica e cartone; Esigenza del cliente |
Vantaggi di dipendere da Essai
1. La pressofusione di prodotti in alluminio è offerta a prezzi competitivi.
2. Siamo specializzati in componenti di piccole leghe metalliche da oltre 14 decenni.
3. Impieghiamo i migliori professionisti e le moderne tecniche per la produzione di leghe di alluminio e altri prodotti.
4. Offriamo servizi in diversi settori come hardware, informatica, sanità e automobilistico.
5. I nostri prodotti sono garantiti per darvi una buona reputazione e ci atteniamo a standard di qualità elevati.
6. Eseguiamo test approfonditi dei prodotti.
7. Più di una soluzione è possibile nella nostra organizzazione.
8. Le vostre idee e il vostro design riceveranno una nuova definizione dai nostri esperti.
- Rapid Injection Molding – A low-cost rapid mold can be used for a small number of parts for a low cost.
- Digital Light Processing – It has good tolerance to the design and has a good surface finish.
- CNC Machining – An ideal choice for plastic without costly tooling. It holds tighter tolerances and has a better surface.
- Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) – SLS is for plastic prototypes with intricate internal designs.
- Laminated Object Manufacturing – A good option using thin laminates laid layer by layer for plastic. The designs should not be complex, but LOM is a low cost compared to others.
- Selective Laser Melting (SLM) – SLM is the preferred option for parts requiring high strength, high durability, and complex intricate design.
- Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) – FDM includes a low cost, ease of us, and using multiple plastic types and colors in one prototype.
- Stereolithography (SLA) – good for low volume production parts with a quality finish and increased strength.
- Binder Jetting – A big advantage in making multiple parts at one time at a lower cost.
Fornire supporto tecnico hardware per aziende in vari settori.
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Ufficio : No.72-6, Huanguan South Road, Longhua New District Shenzhen, 518110 Cina
Fabbrica : No.333 Xiangmang West Road Qingxi Town, Dongguang, Cina